Cash siezed in Florida criminal arrests is subject to forfeiture and can be legally used by police and law enforcement agencies. In Lee County alone, the county sherrif’s office confiscated more than half a million dollars in the last year. Much of the money collected was from Florida drug arrests.
The result of this windfall is more police training funding, and new systems for printing traffic citations from police patrol vehicles.
In addition, at least 15% of all seized cash from criminal arrests must go to Florida charities, as required by law. Much of that will go to drug abuse counseling and treatment centers, and other organizations hard hit by reduced budgets. This can be a significant boost to charitable funding in a down economy.
Statewide criminal cash confiscation statistics were not available, but it is highly likely that the totals run into the tens of millions of dollars, with Miami-Dade and Broward counties leading the way.
If you’ve been arrested on any criminal charge in Florida, such as drug possession, contact us for a case evaluation on the charges you are facing. We can provide you with an analysis of your legal options, and help you determine what the likely outcome of fighting the case or pleading guilty would be. We will also explain exactly what we can do to help, and what it will cost you to retain our services. The consultatin is free with no further obligation if you decide not to hire us.
Please call today to get the help and advice you need on any Florida criminal charge.